Catch the witness, catch the wit, catch the spirit, catch the spit.

Have you been downtown? Yes. Have you wondered if those people flying over your head were spitting on you? Yes, they are. Unfortunately, we can’t make them spit Hawaiian Punch (California tie in) so it’s impossible to bet on who they hit. However, we can bet DECAGONATHON bucks on which lane will reach the end of the zipline first. That’s another free game folks. This is the time to spend some of the cash you’ve saved by playing our free games instead of Pai Gow on a Babymaker, stand around watching the races, and try to avoid the spit.

Game Rules

  • Each player will determine the winning zipline for each of the 5 races (column 1, 2, 3, or 4)
    • A player may NOT bet on the same zipline for all 5 races
  • Each player will communicate their picks to the Competition Council prior to the first race
  • Scoring for the event is cumulative
  • Scoring for each race is
    • 1st = 11
    • 2nd = 5
    • 3rd = 2
    • 4th = -1
  • Highest score wins
  • If fewer than 4 racers participate in any race choosing the lane with no racer is a 0 result, not -1.
  • Ties will be broken by comparing each race result starting with race 1
    • Race 1 score will be compared across all tied players cards, and if a player’s score on race 1 is higher than the other tied players that player will win the tie breaker
    • This process continues through all five races until a winner is determined
    • If there are multiple tied players, after each tie is broken all remaining players will restart the process at race 1 and follow the same pattern.
  • In the event two players or more have the exact same card, each player will receive points for the finishing position
    • If two or more players are tied for 3rd with the same card, all players will receive 3rd place points
    • If two or more players are tied for 2nd with the same card, all players will receive 2nd place points
    • If two players are tied for 1st with the same card, both will receive 1st place points, there will be no 2nd place points awarded, and the medal winner will be determined by the tie break rules in the glossary, which is typically a coin flip
    • If two or more players are tied for 1st with the same card, all players will receive 1st place points, there will be no 2nd or 3rd place points, and the medal winner will be determined by the tie break rules in the glossary, which is typically a coin flip