DECAGONATHON 24 was another excellent event. Congratulations to our winners!

  • Remember free rooms for reasonable play? You are old.
    David McKee at Casino Reports is getting all “get off my lawn” old and reminding all of us of better times, you know 2009. 15 years ago, in a time …
  • VegasChanges has a question.
    No, it’s not “are you hungry?” They asked, “Is Downtown Container Park Worth a Visit?” To find out the answer you’ll have to ask the mantis or click here.
  • DECAGONATHON 24 is nearly here!
    Preliminary qualification rounds are now complete and the DECAGONATHON 24 Ten have been selected. The Sports Parlay cards have been distributed so if you are one of the DEGAGONATHON 24 …


Congratulations to individual game winners and our overall 2022 champion!


Congratulations to individual game winners and our overall 2021 champion!


In the long run Las Vegas casinos will eventually beat everyone, or so the math geeks tell us. Even a short run player will likely have ebbs and flows of winning and losing. At its core, DECAGONATHON is a group of low/no cost games to slow down a short run cash bleed, while maintaining the action we all crave. Instead of playing against the casinos, DECAGONATHON players compete in low/no cost games to shift the competition from player VS casino to player VS player. There is no team in DECAGONATHON.